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  • Writer's pictureEarl Pomeroy

Earl Pomeroy explains Medicaid expansion, health insurance

Updated: May 24, 2021

"Healthcare and the Heartland" with Congressman Earl Pomeroy


Congressman Earl Pomeroy has the ‘right stuff’ and knows a thing or two about Medicaid expansion and the Affordable Care Act-- he helped write it. Earl also understands that passing Medicaid expansion is a key opportunity to building back better in South Dakota -- a state with a rich history of progressive populism. Dakotans for Health was proud to host Congressman Pomeroy earlier this year as part of our "Healthcare and the Heartland" series on Medicaid expansion. You can watch Congressman Pomeroys initial remarks via the YouTube video above! Then GIVE A FEW BUCKS to support our petition drive to qualify our certified ballot measure to expand Medicaid in 2022

Medicaid Expansion: A Game Changer for North Dakota

North Dakota expanded Medicaid in 2014 to the great benefit of ALL its citizens. Each and every year it brings hundreds of millions of dollars into North Dakota that otherwise wouldn't be there. These funds have saved many lives, kept people healthier, generated thousands of jobs, and provided critical resources to North Dakota's rural hospitals.

Before Medicaid Expansion, rural hospitals and clinics were often left with the bill when patients without coverage could not pay. Under Medicaid Expansion, there was a large drop in their uncompensated care costs. These uncompensated costs are left to the hospital if people cannot pay their bills. States that expanded Medicaid saw a 47 percent drop in uncompensated costs, while states that did not expand Medicaid only saw an 11 percent drop. In order for rural citizens to access quality health care, rural hospitals and clinics need to remain open. -Keith Johnson, (President, North Dakota Rural Health Association)

Medicaid expansion has ranged rural healthcare in North Dakota. Here are a few highlights:

  • Helping the Bottom Line: capturing over $906,000,000 at 23:1 ROI for North Dakota tax payers.

  • Helping Healthcare Providers: Medicaid expansion is critical to covering operating costs at Montana hospitals and clinics, the loss of which will results in staff cuts and closed facilities.

  • Helping Community Members: Medicaid expansion ensures 22,000 North Dakotas main health coverage, preserving healthcare access for our its most vulnerable citizens.

In the time of Covid, more than ever, we need to make sure people have health insurance. Goodness knows South Dakotans have Covid. Now they need coverage. This is a critical time in the state's history. They need to take a serious look at this question [of Medicaid expansion.]-Earl Pomeroy

About Earl Pomeroy

Earl Pomeroy is for the rest of us. A native of Valley City, North Dakota, he served two terms as North Dakota Insurance Commissioner before being elected to the United States Congress where he served eighteen years as North Dakota's lone Congressman. As a senior member of the House Ways and Means Committee, Pomeroy helped author many key provisions of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Congressman Pomeroy is active on numerous boards and charities. He is a founding member of Dakotans for Health.

About Dakotans for Health

Dakotans for Health, an emerging group of public officials, caregivers, health care advocates, and concerned citizens supporting the expansion of Medicaid. We have released COMPREHENSIVE MATERIALS for our volunteers to start circulating a petition for a Constitutional Amendment to expand Medicaid. Get yours today!


Help Secure Ballot Access for Medicaid Expansion

Make a donation to help expand Medicaid in South Dakota. You can donate online via ActBlue HERE. You can Make a donation via check our money order HERE.

A Message from Governor Steve Bullock to Dakotans For Health Petition Circulators:

You can watch the full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" with Governor Bullock HERE

Get involved. Volunteer, start circulating a petition, and donate! Text "Medicaid" to (772) 577-2336

Dakotans For Health QR code for Volunteers.
Join our Grassroots Network!

Circulate a Medicaid Expansion Petition (How to)

Want to circulate a petition? We have been on the streets since November of last year! The best way to do it is by scanning the code above or text "Medicaid" to (772) 577-2336. You can also find everything you need HERE.

Deputy HHS Secretary Dr. Mary Wakefield (RN, PHD) Explains Medicaid Expansion and Dakotans For Health:

Dr. Wakefield is a founding member of Dakotans For Health. You can view her full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" HERE.

On neighbor. Helping another. That's something Tom Daschle understands.

You can watch Senator Daschle's full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" HERE.

Steve Hildebrand. A fighter from the grassroots.

You can watch the full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" with Steve Hildebrand HERE


South Dakota is one of twelve states who has yet to expand Medicaid under the ACA
North Dakota expanded Medicaid in 2015. The program has brought hundreds of millions of additional dollars into the state:
Montana expanded Medicaid in 2015 as well. The program brings an additional $600 Million a year to the state:

Visual Learner Summary: according to the fiscal note released by the South Dakota Legislative Research Council last July, South Dakota, upon the expansion of Medicaid, will $15 back for every $1 it puts in. A 15:1 Return On Investment.



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