The Bottom Line:
According to Feeding South Dakota 106,000 South Dakotans are food insecure. 1/6 are children.
According to a 2022 poll by Emerson College Polling, 79% of South Dakota voters support repealing or lowering the state tax on groceries.
Hundreds of volunteers collected nearly 30,000 signatures to put IM 28 on the ballot for a vote by the people!

Repeal the Tax on the Food we Eat!
Initiated Measure 28

Who We Are
Dakotans for Health and the South Dakota AFL-CIO have built a statewide coalition of hundreds of organizations and concerned citizens working to ensure all South Dakotans have access to affordable food.
Right now, South Dakota imposes a tax on all food, even essentials like baby formula. Families across the state struggle to put food on the table, with over 106,000 South Dakotans unable to afford enough to eat.
The decision to tax food is a choice that affects every South Dakotan, hitting hardest those who are already struggling—not the politicians in Pierre.
Passing IM 28 measure will repeal our state’s food tax and ensure South Dakotans can afford the food their families need.
IM 28
Initiated Measure 28 will repeal the tax on food that has burdened South Dakotans for far too long. It’s time for change. You can read the full measure here. Then join our campaign today.
Thanks to the efforts of hundreds of volunteers statewide, we submitted over 25,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s office on April 24. We were certified to be on the ballot as IM 28 on May 13.
Your support is vital to repealing this tax:
Donate: Your contribution will directly help remove this unnecessary tax on essential food items.
Educate: Get the facts out about what our measure does. Here is flyer you can print and distribute to family and friends.
Grocery taxes face the chopping block in South Dakota
A citizen-led proposal may eliminate the state’s portion of grocery taxes.
Group responds to misconceptions on grocery tax repeal
Alleged Concerns Easily Fixed, Prioritizing 90,000 Food Insecure South Dakotans Critical