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Join Republicans for Freedom Amendment G: End the South Dakota Abortion Ban

Writer: Casey MurschelCasey Murschel

Updated: Jul 26, 2024

Hi, my name is Casey Murschel. I am a lifelong Republican and former Republican State Representative supporting the Freedom Amendment G. Jon Hansen and his Right to Life followers claim I am not a real Republican because I oppose their current abortion ban, which mandates that a woman who has been raped and becomes pregnant must give birth. If you do not share their extreme belief, I hope you will join me.

Amendment G isn’t a partisan issue, but there are those who have made it one. The Republican Party’s position on smaller government and individual liberty includes freedom from government intrusion into private reproductive healthcare. Government telling a woman by force of law that she must give birth after being raped is not just wrong; it is the most drastic, fundamentally anti-individual liberty thing I can imagine. How is it possible that our Republican Party, devoted to individual freedom and smaller government, has allowed itself to be taken over by those who reject these principles?

If you will stand with me, we can show that real Republicans are common-sense Republicans, not extremists. We who believe in the right of personal choice, free from government intrusion, can overturn the draconian abortion ban we have now. Here are a few things you can do right now to help:

One, Join our Republicans for Freedom Amendment G group:

Add your information to the form below.

Two, Make a donation to help the campaign:

You can give online by clicking the buttons below or you can send a check to Dakotans for Health, PO Box 2063, Sioux Falls, SD 57101.

Three, Share this page with like-minded family and friends:

It will increase your impact by 300%.

Thank you for your support. Get involved, and remember to vote YES on Amendment G (The FREEDOM AMENDMENT) on Tuesday, November 5. Together, we can make a difference.


Casey Murschel

Former GOP State Represenative

Republicans for Freedom, Chair

gif graphic. republicans for freedom amendment g joins dakotans for healths abortion rights campaign in south dakota. Make freedom work here.


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