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Obama Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand talks grassroots, Medicaid expansion

Writer's picture: Steve HildebrandSteve Hildebrand

Updated: May 23, 2021

"Healthcare and the Heartland Episode" with Obama Campaign Manager Steve Hildebrand. You can DONATE to support our Medicaid expansion campaign HERE.


Steve Hildebrand has the ‘right stuff’ and he knows a thing or two about winning campaigns in South Dakota and the nation. Just ask Senator Tom Daschle, or Senator Tim Johnson, or President Barack Obama-- or the PayDay lenders he helped push out of our state in 2016. Steve also understands that passing Medicaid expansion is a key opportunity to building back better in South Dakota -- a state with a rich history of progressive populism. Dakotans for Health was proud to host Steve Hildebrand earlier this year as part of our "Healthcare and the Heartland" series on Medicaid expansion. You can watch Steve's initial remarks via the YouTube video above! Then GIVE A FEW BUCKS to support our petition drive to qualify our certified ballot measure to expand Medicaid in 2022

Medicaid Expansion: A Game Changer for South Dakota

South Dakota can expand Medicaid to the great benefit of ALL its citizens. Each and every year it will bring hundreds of millions of dollars into the state that otherwise wouldn't be there. These funds have saved many lives, kept people healthier, generated thousands of jobs, and provided critical resources to South Dakota's rural hospitals. That is why we have been in the streets circulated our APPROVED Constitutional Amendment to expand Medicaid in 2022 SINCE NOVEMBER.

I'm excited to see so many of you here tonight with Dakotans For Health. Grassroots activist were the single most import part of our 2016 effort banning PayDay Lenders from South Dakota. This is exciting.-Steve Hildebrand

Just like beating PayDay and raising the minimum wage Medicaid expansion is a no brainer.. Here are a few highlights:

  • Helping the Bottom Line: capturing over $300,000,000 at +15:1 ROI for South Dakota tax payers.

  • Helping Healthcare Providers: Medicaid expansion will help critical cover critical operating costs at South Dakota hospitals and clinics, the loss of which will results in staff cuts and closed facilities.

  • Helping Community Members: Medicaid expansion will ensure over 42,000 South Dakotas, preserving healthcare access for our South Dakota farmers and rural communities.

Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful, committed citizens can change the world; indeed, it’s the only thing that ever has..-Margaret Mead

About Steve Hildebrand

Steve Hildebrand is certainly one of us. A native of Mitchell, South Dakota, hometown of Senator George McGovern, Steve has led a storied career as a fierce advocate for working families and the most vulnerable among us. As Deputy Campaign Manager to President Barack Obama, Steve played a critical role in the passage of the Affordable Care Act (ACA)- a law the rest of us now rely on. He is also pragmatic and a successful small business owner and knows the critical difference Medicaid expansion will make to South Dakota's small business community. Steve is active on numerous boards and charities.

About Dakotans for Health

Dakotans for Health, an emerging group of public officials, caregivers, health care advocates, and concerned citizens supporting the expansion of Medicaid. We have released COMPREHENSIVE MATERIALS for our volunteers to start circulating a petition for a Constitutional Amendment to expand Medicaid. Get yours today!


Help Secure Ballot Access for Medicaid Expansion

Dakotans For Health Medicaid expansion South Dakota 2022 fundraising graphic linking to ActBlue.
Secure Ballot Access for our Constitutional Amendment to Expand Medicaid

Make a donation to help expand Medicaid in South Dakota. You can donate online via ActBlue HERE. You can Make a donation via check our money order HERE.

A Message from Governor Steve Bullock to Dakotans For Health Petition Circulators:

You can view the full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" with Montana Governor Steve Bullock HERE.

Join US Senator Maggie Hassan for a Medicaid Expansion Event on Tuesday, April 27th at 6:30PM

Maggie Hassan and Joe Biden at a campaign rally in New Hampshire. Hassan expanded Medicaid as Governor and will be joining Dakotans For Health for a "South Dakota Event" on April 21st, 2021.
Maggie Hassan | Medicaid Expansion | Joe Biden

Join Senator Maggie Hassan for this important event! RSVP Required. Sign up on LinkedIn, Facebook, or our Website.

Get involved. Volunteer, start circulating a petition, and donate! Text "Medicaid" to (772) 577-2336

Dakotans For Health QR code for volunteers.
Join our Grassroots Network!

Circulate a Medicaid Expansion Petition (How to)

Want to circulate a petition? We have been on the streets since November of last year! You can find everything you need to HERE.

Check out the coverage from our recent Petition Signing Event with Pam Cole in Downtown Sioux Falls!

You can view full coverage and more HERE. These events are now a weekly affair and coming to a community near you!

Deputy HHS Secretary Dr. Mary Wakefield (RN, PHD) Supports Dakotans For Health and you can TOO!

Dr. Wakefield is a founding member of Dakotans For Health. You can view her full episode HERE.

One neighbor. Helping another. That's something Tom Daschle understands.

You can view Senator Daschle's full episode of "Healthcare and the Heartland" HERE.


South Dakota is one of twelve states who has yet to expand Medicaid under the ACA
South Dakota is one of twelve states that has yet to expand Medicaid under the Affordable Care Act #MedicaidExpansion #MedicaidExpansionSD
Status of State Action on Medicaid Expansion (South Dakota 1/12)
North Dakota expanded Medicaid in 2015. The program has brought hundreds of millions of additional dollars into the state:
North Dakota received over $907 Million in Federal support for Medicaid expansion between FY 2016-2019 #MedicaidExpansion #MedicaidExpansionSD #MedicaidExpansionND
North Dakota: $237 Million Annual Medicaid Expansion Benefit (23:1 ROI)
Montana expanded Medicaid in 2015 as well. The program brings an additional $600 Million a year to the state:
Montana received  2.1 Billion in federal support for #MedicaidExpansion between 2016-2020 #MedicaidExpansionMT #MedicaidExpansionSD
Montana $600 Million Annual Medicaid Expansion Benefit (21:1 ROI)

Visual Learner Summary: according to the fiscal note released by the South Dakota Legislative Research Council last July, South Dakota, upon the expansion of Medicaid, will $15 back for every $1 it puts in. A 15:1 Return On Investment.


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