South Dakota's Extreme Abortion Ban | Vote YES on the Freedom Amendment G for Reproductive Freedom
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South Dakotans Support Reproductive Rights


In 2006 grassroots activists collected thousands of signatures to refer extreme abortion legislation to a popular vote, 57% voted NO. 


We doubled down in 2008 when 56% of the state voted against extreme abortion legislation  (Initiated Measure 11). 


According to a recent Mason-Dixon poll 65% of South Dakota voters want reproductive rights decided through a ballot measure and not the legislature.

Source: Ballotpedia

Put Roe v Wade on the Ballot

Let the people decide!

South Dakota Freedom Amendment

Our amendment will Restore Roe v. Wade, period. Just read it yourself. Join our campaign to give South Dakotans back the rights that extreme politicians have stolen today!

Grassroots activists came together to protect reproductive choice in 2006 and 2008. We'll do it in 2024 too.


Grassroots Volunteer

Make Freedom Work Here!

Roe v. Wade is gone, abolished by two new extremist justices who pledged under oath not to violate it, then destroyed it entirely at their first opportunity.

Following the overturn of Roe v. Wade, South Dakota politicians have instituted one of the most extreme abortion bans in the country. Fundamentalist politicians have used that permission to adopt the most extreme abortion ban in the state, with no exceptions for rape or incest. This set of chains now shackles every woman in the state.

We’re not really free until women have the right to make their own choices. Vote YES on the Freedom Amendment, Amendment G, to restore the common sense protections of Roe v. Wade.


Reaffirm Your Support for the South Dakota Freedom Amendment to Restore Roe v. Wade

Submission Successful!

The Truth About Our Movement to Restore Roe v. Wade in South Dakota


The Truth About Our Movement to Restore Roe v. Wade in South Dakota

Enter Professor Hannah Haksgaard, a legal eagle from USD Law. She's got the skinny on our amendment, and guess what? It's Roe v. Wade reborn – nothing more, nothing less. Here’s her take, no mincing words.

South Dakota: likely test case in the battle to write reproductive rights into state constitutions.


South Dakota: likely test case in the battle to write reproductive rights into state constitutions.

By Rick Weiland and Dr. Amy Kelly. South Dakota is emerging as a, perhaps even the test state, in the coming state by state street fighting to determine a woman’s right to reproductive freedom across America.

The Ultimate Guide to Collecting Signatures for Citizen Ballot Initiatives


The Ultimate Guide to Collecting Signatures for Citizen Ballot Initiatives

In this post, we’ll teach you some best practices for collecting signatures in the Sunshine State.

Important Updates


It is up to South Dakotans to keep their medical care between citizen and doctor, we need to exercise our civil rights and codify reproductive rights into our state constitution. That is what the reproductive freedom amendment to Restore Roe in South Dakota is all about. 

Dr. Katie Degan (OBGYN)

Rapid City, SD

Sign up to circulate a petition, phone bank, or volunteer!

Done! We will be in touch soon.

Over 55,000 Signatures Filed!

South Dakota Freedom Amendment


Law enforcement investigates abortion petition callers

The South Dakota Division of Criminal Investigation has been asked to look into a series of calls made May 13 to people who had signed the Abortion Rights petition. KELOLAND News first became aware of the calls on Monday morning when a family member of a newsroom employee received a call from someone claiming to be a volunteer with the Secretary of State’s Office.


The Dakota Scout

South Dakota's top abortion rights advocate squares off with hostile Republicans

Dakotans for Health defends proposed amendment during tense committee hearing at state Capitol



Dakotans for Health Sues Lawrence County Officials

Dakotans for Health Sues Lawrence County Officials.


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In the News


South Dakota Freedom Amendment

Restore Roe v. Wade

Update: We are on the ballot! Vote YES on Amendment G!

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